
The Sladmore’s monumental Department has placed a wide range of sculpture all over the world.

We are experienced at liaising directly with not just clients but art advisors as well as landscape and garden designers. We are skilled at ensuring the shipping and installation of these large-scale works always goes smoothly and have a wide range of sculptors suitable for both private and public locations.


Artist Spotlight

Nic Fiddian Green

Born 1963, British

Nic Fiddian Green has had many successful exhibitions both here and abroad in the many years the Sladmore has represented him, and whilst it is evident he still has an authentic affinity with the nineteenth and twentieth century masters also exhibited by the gallery – from Barye, Mene or Bonheur, to Bugatti, Degas and Frink, his growing international reputation testifies to the totally original and deeply involving nature of his work.

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